
It's a knockout...

Having two young boys, I know as well as anyone that accidents can and do happen. A considerable portion of my day is spent refereeing nerf wars, watching kids bounce off walls, climb up trees and generally getting up to mischief. Sooner or later the inevitable will happen, and we will be making the trip to A&E with all the other parents (you know who you are!).

Unfortunately, kids (and adults) knock out teeth all too often.

Here's a rundown on what to do when a tooth gets knocked out:

  1. Find the tooth. Hold it by the crown only, never the root.
  2. If the tooth is dirty, clean it using saliva or milk. Do not scrub.
  3. Place it back into position carefully. Make sure the tooth is facing the right way.
  4. Get to your dentist! The sooner the better in this case. If you have not been able to re-position the tooth, just pop it in a container and cover it with milk or saliva.

If the tooth in question is just a baby tooth, then there is no need to worry because sooner or later a new one will take its spot!

Pain in the tooth?

If your child has had a bump but has not lost a tooth, they may suffer from toothache. In this case:

  1. Rinse out the mouth with saltwater. Paracetamol can be used to alleviate pain.
  2. Use a cold compress if the area is swollen.
  3. Make an appointment with the dentist.

(Please note this doesn't apply to teething babies)

If you or your kids play sports, it's a great idea to protect yourself by having a custom-made mouthguard fitted by your dentist.

So, the moral of the story is to act quickly and get it checked out by your dentist. Here at New Farm Dental Studio, we guarantee to see you quickly if you have an urgent concern.